What exactly is an antioxidant? In a broader sense, it is a substance that retards or inhibits oxidation. In the energy-releasing organs of living cells, the mitochondria, peroxide and superoxide radicals are naturally formed during energy-releasing processes, which are inactivated by these cells with their own antioxidants.
On the other hand, as a result of stress and illness, from which, let’s face it, our lives are not without a drop, the number of free radicals increases, so the amount produced by our body is no longer enough, in which case we have to replace it; OxiCarotene helps with this !
The nitrobenzyl oxycarbonyl so even your skin or your eyes fight sensitive, want to increase your immune protection or gastrointestinal ailments rich in beta-carotene, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin and other antioxidants, or be a party to fight naturally with inflammation , you can be more effective with OxiCarotene!
Let’s talk a little more about some of the active ingredients.
Beta-carotene is formed into vitamin A, which your body can utilize, thus strengthening your immune system, which has a positive effect on protection against bacteria and viruses. The most common of the effects of vitamin A is for eye health, but it also protects and keeps skin, nails, hair, teeth and gums healthy.
Lutein and zeaxanthin: these two substances act as filters in the eye, excluding UV and other harmful rays, the main constituents of the part of the eye called the “macula” that is stained yellow. The more they are present in our body, the more effective the protection against light is. The human body cannot produce them, so we have to solve this, for example, from OxiCarotene.
Astaxanthin is a dark red, carotenoid-specific, fat-soluble antioxidant found primarily in aquatic animals such as salmon and some crustaceans.
If you are interested and would like more information about the ingredients and effects of OxiCarotene, you can read more about the product on our website and order it! Feel free to contact us with your questions!