Carotenoids are a group of pigments found in plants, algae, and some bacteria that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant red, orange, and yellow colors.
With OxiCarotene you will be healthy, balanced and energetic again!
Our bodies don’t always behave the way we expect them to. It can torture us in many ways, in the form of inflammation, stomach pain, many diseases.
OxiCarotene, a natural antioxidant boost!
What exactly is an antioxidant? In a broader sense, it is a substance that retards or inhibits oxidation. In the energy-releasing organs of living cells, the mitochondria, peroxide and superoxide radicals are naturally formed during energy-releasing processes, which are inactivated by these cells with their own antioxidants.
With OxiCarotene you can keep your body healthy!
Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements are essential for a strong and resilient immune system. A varied and balanced diet should not lack vegetables and fruits. Every day our organization needs a certain amount of these, as diverse as possible.